Darnell Baker's Portfolio


Specializing in social media marketing and content development, Social Drip looks to be the premiere digital marketing company in today’s industry. I was tasked with designing and developing the brand logo, identity and guidelines for the startup. 

Client: Social Drip
Date: August 2019
Role: Designer + Strategist
Duration: 2 weeks

Creative Brief

What is Social Drip? After conducting an in-depth discovery call with client to obtain the vision, goals and learn more about the brand and purpose, the name Social Drip was a perfect name for what they were trying to achieve. The millennials use the term “drip” in today’s lingo for expressing “swag”, “style”, “cool”. Put those together and you get a brand name that evokes style and swagger in today’s social media realm. 

Some vibrant colors such as magentas or teals

Something that evokes friendliness, inviting, and cool.


Final Result