Darnell Baker's Portfolio

Hi! I'm Darnell, a multidisciplinary creative based in Atlanta.

Hi! I'm Darnell, a multidisciplinary creative based in Atlanta.

My experience includes leading design initiatives for some of the most renown brands in the world.

My experience includes leading design initiatives for some of the most renown brands in the world.

Featured Work


Social and PoP Assets for Chick-fil-A


A Simple
Pitch Deck
for Simply


Brand Logo
for AquOM


Campaign for Fulton County Schools

View Project

A Web Tool to Help Tackle Student Debt

Defynance, a Fin Tech driven company, is determined to help tackle student loan debt by offering alternative options for students. They needed an interactive web tool that not only educated their users on student loan debt but also explained the benefits of Defynance’s services. 

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Acting as designated lead designer and researcher for Defynances web based, high fidelity prototype for an onboarding tool.. This tool is to be housed on the home page of their current website in order to provide and educate users with financial literacy information and educational content on student loan debt. Additionally, Defynance looks to use this tool to generate qualified leads for the company.


We looked to uztilize 2 initial research methods: user surverys and user interviews. We then utilized affinity mapping to synthesize the results of the surveys and interviews.

Upon synthesizing research, I was able to develop the following 4 insightful key takeaways:

  • Users wanted to be guided through the student loan journey
  • Users wanted to be educated throughout the process
  • Users wanted a personalized journey tailored to their particular life goal(s)
  • Be able to trust the company along the way

USer personas and their problems

With the help of the preliminary user research, we were able to develop two user personas. Both personas have the same overall problem and goals but each had different pain points with their previous student loan debt experiences. We wanted to develop a problem statement for each user to give insight on the different pain points.

“We believe that creating an engaging and interactive lifestyle tool will help guide users through learning how they can benefit from a Deyfnance ISA as a solution to our users while helping Defynance obtain more qualified leads.”

Design Mission

Following up the design hypothesis, we then asked ourselves – how might we:

Competitive Analysis

Next steps were to take a look at Defynance’s competitors while also looking at companies with similar user experiences; overall, identifying any areas of opportunity while building the web tool.

The key takeaways discovered from the competitor analysis were that there was an opportunity for Defynance to differentiate itself with this lifestyle tool. The data aligned with our survey results where 
data visualization, an interactive calculator tool, and including informative text were what users ranked during surveys as the three most effective ways to convey information to them.

Comparative Analysis

During the comparative analysis to take a look at other companies with key aspects users expressed they felt were necessary during a user journey learning about student loan debt. We wanted to focus on 3 key aspects we needed to include in our journey tool which were an effortless journeyeasily digestible information, and personalization of the journey. Here’s a breakdown of the companies we found and the aspects we chose:


Conducting a design studio with 6 fellow UX designers, we brainstormed aspects and features based on user research. This resulted in creative concepts and sketches such as interactive calculators, gamification, and some type of user journey experience as features of the tool.


With our design mission and how might we’s in mind, we drafted a few initial screens keeping Defynance’s brand and existing tone in mind.  We wanted to keep the UI clean and simple while at the same time provide information to users in a digestible way.  Here are the initial designs:

Usability Test

My team and I collaborated on a script as a guide to use during usability testing.  I personally conducted an observational usability test with two users via screen share on Zoom. The users I interviewed were currently paying or had paid student loan debt at some time in the past. We used a card sorting method in order to discover key areas of improvement and insights.


Initial Test


Useful Insights


Areas to Improve



Key Takeaways


Now we were cooking! With feedback from the first round of usability testing we saw that we were heading in the right direction with the design and meeting users needs. We went back to the wireframes and made over 20 modifications to the design based on user feedback. Below are some of the key iterations made.

Pain Points

  1. Navigation during life goals area was not clear with the different arrows
  2. Placement of bar on bottom of screen seems congested with other elements 
Original Version
Modified Version

Design GOALS


1. Tone of copy
2. Brand identity
3. Clean, uncluttered UI

Interactive Journey

4. Choosing life goals
5. Interactive Calculator

educational + informative

4. Life goal content
5. Tooltips
6. Defynance resources

business goals

4. Lead generation
5. Contact Information


After a 2.5 week sprint, hours of user research, and days of design, we were able to produce a final MVP prototype that:

  1. Educates and informs users in an interactive way
  2. Build a tool users can trust
  3. Create a personalized journey
  4. Meets business goals

Feel free to view the full deck presentation for the Defynance user journey tool here.

Collaborating with such a proficient UX and development team on this project further enriched my skill set, providing and invaluable opportunity for growth and learning.

Production, Ideation, and a Brand Refresh

Westlake Pipe & Fittings is a prominent PVC pipe manufacturer offering a variety of industrial solutions for municipal water, sewer, residential plumbing, water well, agricultural, and turf irrigation applications.

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After digesting the design brief developed by the UX team, I was able to synthesize the provided client goals, user research, and wireframes into 3 main objectives:

Original Web Design




Screen Designs




Design Hours


After joining the project post the UX team’s user research and wireframing phases, I was able to integrate into the design process seamlessly. Leveraging the research team’s insights, I was able to refine the wireframes into visually compelling UI designs while still aligning with the company’s brand identity and user expectations. 



Drawing from the client brief and insights provided by the UX team, I iterated on various screens and design components to optimize the overall user experience.

Table of Contents

The client wanted to feature a jump-scroll Table of Contents navigation on the Home and Segment pages to simplify user navigation on the main sections.

According to user testing insights, feedback from the audience supported this design decision.

After a few iterations, I was able to design a stylized component for desktop view.

Search and filters

With the robust resource center, I wanted to ensure that the search functionality was as seamless and intuitive for users as possible. I drafted multiple versions of search bars and filter modules for testing.

Hover interactions

“More interactive” was a key takeaway from synthesizing the client brief and user research. After collaborating with the development team to uncover any constraints, I was able to design and iterate a hover animation for key elements

Mobile design

Every web screen design need a complimentary mobile version ensuring to keep in mind usability and accessibility. This involved incorporating horizontal scrolling and drop-down content, creating an optimal mobile experience. 


Building and developing an atomic design system was key to the success of this project. Working components and variations allowed for a streamlined design, prototyping, and developer handoff process.

"We really love the sub-menu on the left-side of the homepage. This was a perfect implementation of our thoughts and vision. Great job!"

-Westlake’s Product Manager


During my tenure, I played a pivotal role in the UI buildout across four design sprints, encompassing over 100 screen designs, fueled by countless cups of coffee. This project significantly honed my skills as a UI designer, allowing me to refine my craft of prototyping, advanced auto-layout structures, atomic design systems, and unwavering focus on both user needs and company objectives. 

Collaborating with such a proficient UX and development team on this project further enriched my skill set, providing and invaluable opportunity for growth and learning.

With great satisfaction, I was able to successfully meet and exceed the design needs and goals outlined in the beginning
of the project.

Web Design Solution
for OneSolution

OneSolution is a leading manufacturing sales company dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for industrial needs. 

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The primary goal for this research and design project was to enhance user engagement and conversion rates while delivering a visually appealing and intuitive interface. Through extensive user research, iterative design, and usability testing, I successfully revamped the website, resulting in a 41% increase in user engagement and 36% average increase in time on page metrics.




Screen Designs


Rounds of Iteration


Design Hours


The process began with meeting with the marketing and sales department to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company goals.

I hosted a Miro session with the marketing team and users to identify current pain points being faced with the current website flow, aesthetics, and functionality.


I then determined that conducting user interviews, performing a market analysis would be the most effective methods for initial research.

I also analyzed user behavior data from the existing website helped to identify needs, and preferences. I connected with the social media manager to gather quantitative insights on the original site.

After synthesizing all of my research, I was confident I had identified key challenges being faced.

Card Sort

Through three card-sorting sessions, I was able to gain invaluable insights into user preferences and behaviors, informing website structure and content strategy. 

As a result, I was able to increase user engagement, leading to a more user-friendly website, improved customer satisfaction, and increased conversions.

Market Research

During a comparative analysis for an agent or sales rep locator tools on similar websites, I found State Farm’s Agent Tool particularly noteworthy for its ease of use and simplicity. Inspired by its effective design, I pinned this concept, possibly incorporating certain aspects of the tool into my own.


Users needed a more seamless and modern experience with a simplified sales rep locater; while the stakeholders needed to build trust and increase qualified leads through the site.


After joining the project post the UX team’s user research and wireframing phases, I seamlessly integrated into the design process. Leveraging their insights, I refined the wireframes into visually compelling UI designs while ensuring alignment with the company’s brand identity and user expectations. 


My wireframing process involved an analysis of the original website’s layout and content. I then crafted new wireframes, keeping brand guidelines in mind while introducing refinements in a visually streamlined manner. 

Design and Iteration

Incorporating client feedback and user insights, I began fleshing out screen designs. Multiple iterations refined the layout, ensuring that the design aligned with the project goals while enhancing functionality and visual appeal.

'find your rep' locator tool

The locator tool was an integral feature requested by stakeholders and users. The goal was for it to be simple and intuitive. Through design exploration and comparative analysis I was able to achieve this goal and deliver a great design for the most-used feature on the website.


The final screen designs emphasize a clean layout, streamlined navigation, and responsive elements to enhance accessibility and user engagement. On-page time and page visits have since increased exponentially. 

"The Find Your Rep tool was very intuitive and helpful. The previous version seemed clunky and outdated. Eager to see future advancements of the website."

– OneSolution Customer


The culmination of this project marked a resounding success. In the web design refresh, we accomplished the creation of a modern, user-centric website that proficiently conveyed the essence of the company’s brand. Simultaneously, it delivered an intuitive and highly accessible online experience, leading to a notable enhancement in user engagement and a substantial upswing in conversion rates.

The implementation of the ‘Find Your Rep’ functionality not only streamlined users’ capacity to connect with their local representatives but also yielded a substantial surge in user engagement and satisfaction. I firmly believe that my methodological process and execution serve as a testament to my unwavering dedication to user-centered design, successfully bridging the gap between business objectives and the discerning needs of our users

With great satisfaction, I was able to successfully meet and exceed the design needs and goals outlined in the beginning of the project.


Visual Identity Refresh, POP Assets, and Jumbotrons for CFA


During my time as an Art Director with Chik-Fil-A , I led a team of 3 designers and a project manager in support of Chik-Fil-A’s in-house agency.

Projects included a brand refresh, designing and leading POP campaigns, marketing initiatives, storyboarding and animation, and content creation for stakeholders and key partners.

Visual Identity Refresh

In January 2023, Chik-Fil-A decided to release a slightly new look to their already prestigious brand. With slight refining to their product photography and typography, the goal was to add a little more flare and pop to their look. I was tasked with directing new photography direction and ideating concepts on how to incorporate the new typography styling to assets. I spearheaded my team’s execution in taking this new brand refresh and implementing it into key assets for CFA’s winter and spring campaigns.

Social Media Content & Partnerships

I was honored to head the exploration and development of content for CFA’s key partnerships and event sponsorships. My team and I created content for partners such as the New York Yankees, Philadelphia 76ers, University of Kentucky Basketball Team, Houston Rodeo Stock Show and more. We created assets such as paid ad campaigns, animated social media posts, and even media to be displayed on arena jumbotrons across the nation.

Operator Campus Experience Book

Stakeholders at CFA decided to design and develop a coffee table styled booklet to distribute to market operators across the U.S., offering a peak at all of the experiences CFA has to offer on their main campus located in Atlanta, GA. My team and I quickly jumped at the opportunity to ideate, design and develop the booklet. Here’s a quick peek at what we came up with:


Brand Logo for AquOm


I was tasked with redesigning and developing the brand identity for AquOm, a company that aims to use all-natural, organic, and non-toxic polymers harvested from the ocean in order to reduce inorganic nutrients in public waterways and oceans. 


After an in-depth kickoff call with stakeholders, I began exploring ways to seamlessly integrate elements to convey a sense of balance and tranquility, coupled with symbolic representations of natural water bodies.

Based on the client’s budget, I crafted a total of (3) concepts for the client to choose a final from.

"Wow! On the first try. We love Concept 2."


It looks as if the stakeholders were pleased. The feedback resulted just a few small iterations but they loved Concept 2! My next step was to take the final design and build out a basic brand guideline.